Virginia Environmental Law & Waterfront Property Rights Resources

Jim Lang and His Team Are Thought Leaders in Waterfront (Riparian) Property Rights Law, Maritime & Admiralty Law, and Environmental Law

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Dredging Lake

VMRC's New Marine "Fast Track" Permit for Disposing of Dredge Spoils

June 11, 2019

Riparian property rights and environmental attorney Jim Lang explains the regulation the VMRC adopted that creates a "fast track" permit process for disposal of dredge spoils in Hampton roads. Read the full article.

Flooded Neighborhood

Virginia's Rising Sea Level Needs a Regional Solution

June 10, 2019

Riparian property rights attorney Jeff Wilson notes that Virginia is handling sea level rise and increased flooding in a piecemeal way and that a regional approach would be better. Read the full article.

Floating Oyster Cages

Balancing Virginia's Riparian Property Rights & Aquaculture Activities

August 25, 2018

Bryan Peeples notes how Governor Northam formed a work group to try to address the conflicts between waterfront property owners and oystermen, which have increased due to improving water quality and the introduction of "off the bottom" aquaculture. Read the full article.